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Change Tracking of the Sensor Configuration Settings (0Fh)

The command allows to download the entire memory space containing the configuration change records for Omnicomm LLS 30160 sensor. The records format is given in the table. Only the first 5 records are fixed in the Rom, other are rewritten according to the the circular buffer rule. the remaining elements can be overwritten according to the circular buffer rule.

Command format:

Offset, bytes Field size, bytes Value Description
0 1 31h Prefix
+1 1 00h…FFh The network address of the recipient
+2 1 0Fh Operation code
+3 1 00h…FFh Checksum

Response format:

Offset, bytes Field size, bytes Value Description
0 1 3Eh Prefix
+1 1 00h…FFh The network address of the recipient
+2 1 0Fh Operation code
+3 2 00h…FFFFh The number of data bytes transmitted after the header (length)
+5 length 00h…FFh Data
+5+length 1 00h…FFh Checksum

Log recording format:

Offset, bytes Field size, bytes Value Description
0 4 0h…FFFFFFFFh Sequential number of the record
+4 2 0 The network address change
1 Exchange rate change
2 Nmin minimum value change
3 Nmax maximum value change
4 Filter length change
5 Automatic output mode change
6 Data output interval change
7 CNT 1 change — empty
8 CNT2 change — full
0Аh Programming the sensor
+6 4 0h…FFFFFFFFh Configuration change time (unix time)
+10 4 0h…FFFFFFFFh New parameter value
+14 1 00h…FFh Checksum

Format of response to an error:

Offset, bytes Field size, bytes Value Description
0 1 3Eh Prefix
+1 1 00h…FFh The Network address of the sender
+2 1 0Fh Operation code
+3 1 01h The command cannot be executed
+4 1 00h…FFh Checksum