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Omnicomm LLD Indicator

In the “Settings” tab select the “Additional equipment” section from the list.

In the “Data transmission to Omnicomm LLD indicator” section

Omnicomm Configurator Remote configuration server

“Data source” – select the data source to display the value on the Omnicomm LLD indicator. Possible options:

  • “GPS speed” – displays the vehicle speed
  • “Universal input“ – displays the status or values on the terminal universal input depending on the connected auxiliary equipment
  • “Engine hours by RPM” (only for Profi, Profi Wi-Fi, Optim) – displays vehicle engine hours

When selecting “Motor hours by RPM”, fill in the table of RPM recalculation to motor hours as follows:

In the field “Revolutions per minute” enter the value of RPM, in the field “Factor” enter the value of conversion factor to calculate the motor hours value.

The conversion factors are determined based on the operating conditions of the vehicle.

Maximum number of rows – 5.

Engine hours are displayed on the LLD indicator as hour values with a fractional part (1.50 means 1 hour 30 minutes) in the format HH.XX in the range of up to 100 hours and HHH.X in the range of 100.0 to 999.9 engine hours. If the number of engine hours is more than 1000, the last three significant figures are displayed and one symbol after the decimal point.

Motor hours are fully recorded in the terminal and sent to the CS on a continuous accrual basis.