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SMS Commands

SMS commands for terminal management

Command Designation
Command text in SMS Reply to a command in SMS
*SOUND 1# SOUND ON Request for turning on the siren
*SOUND 0# SOUND OFF Request for turning off the siren
*SETDOUT param#
Possible parameter values:
param = OK if the command is forwarded to execution
param = ER if the command is not forwarded to execution
Request for enabling digital output
Possible parameter values:
param = OK if the command is forwarded to execution
param = ER if the command is not forwarded to execution
Request for taking picture (if the camera is connected)
*CLRDOUT param#
Possible parameter values:
param = OK if the command is forwarded to execution
param = ER if the command is not forwarded to execution
Request for enabling digital output
*GETDOUT# DOUT 0=1 1=0
где: output_number=output_state
Request for state of digital output
*CONNECT# CONNECT CS_address:port Request for establishing connection of Terminal with CS
*GETLINK# LINK # LINK ip4_CS_address:port date_and_time Request for status of connection to CS
FW=firmware_version REC=number_of_records_in_archive
Request for state of terminal
Possible parameter values:
param = OK if the command is forwarded to execution
param = ER if the command is not forwarded to execution
Reset of terminal
*GETSTAT# STAT terminal_date_and_time
GPS=position as per GPS
L1=fuel_level:sensor_state L6=fuel_level:sensor_state
Fuel level sensor state codes LLS/LLS-AF:
• 0 - disabled;
• 1 - not ready;
• 2 - ready, , frequency 20 - max Hz;
• 3 - error, frequency 0 - 19 Hz;
Request for vehicle state
*SETPWDID vid pwdid#
vid - identification of Terminal;
pwdid - password/identification.
SETPWDID ERRID/ERRNulPWD/ERRAlrSet/PWD:pwdid OK Setting parameter “Password”
*CONNECTSC# CONNECT SC Request for connection of terminal with configurator server
*SETAPN apn#
apn - APN of the operator
*SETAPN2 apn#
apn - APN of the operator of second SIM card
SETAPN apn ERR/OK Setting APN for second SIM card
*GPSCOLD# GPSCOLD ERR/OK Cold start of GPS reciever
*UNBLOCK# Unblocking the terminal
*SGPSINFO# Smooth position type: N, VID=xxxxxxxxxx
N = 0/1/2
0 – smoothing disabled
1 – smoothing enabled, filter 1 in use
2 – smoothing enabled, filter 2 in use
VID – terminal ID
Request information about the current status of the coordinate filtering algorithm
*SGPS0# OFF smooth position, VID=xxxxxxxxxx Disable smoothing algorithm
*SGPS1# ON smooth position method 1, VID=xxxxxxxxxx Enable smoothing (filter 1)
*SGPS2# ON smooth position method 2, VID=xxxxxxxxxx Enable smoothing (filter 2)
LLS1: CNTmin1, CNTmax1, CNT_T
LLS2: ….VID = 336xxxxxxx
Request current CNT readings
*SETCNT pwd numlls CNTmin2 СNTmax2# SETCNT OK – SMS worked correctly
SETCNT PWD ERR – wrong or no password entered (see Limitations)
SETCNT ERRVALUE – the entered CNT values do not comply with the Limits
SETCNT ERRPARAM – incorrect SMS format
Set new СNT_empty/full values (CNTmin2 and СNTmax2)
*SETCNTFULL pwd numlls koef_empty# SETCNTFULL OK – SMS worked correctly
SETCNT PWD ERR – wrong or no password entered (see Limitations)
SETCNTFULL ERRVALUE – Conditions outlined in the Limitations were not met
SETCNT ERRPARAM – wrong SMS format
Automatic correction of the CNT_empty/full values
X – data rate of CAN 0 - 250 kb/s
1 - 125 kb/s
2 - 250 kb/s
3 - 500 kb/s
4 - 1 Mb/s
5 - 50 kb/s
6 - 62,5 kb/s
SETCANSPD OK – SMS worked correctly Set data rate of CAN-interface (starting from FW-311)
Default value - 250 kb/s
*GETCANSPD# can speed = Х
X – data rate value CAN 0 - 250 kb/s
1 - 125 kb/s
2 - 250 kb/s
3 - 500 kb/s
4 - 1 Mb/s
5 - 50 kb/s
6 - 62,5 kb/s
CAN SPEED = ER - incorrect value of data rate (default value - 250 kb/s)
CAN interface data rate request (starting from FW-311)

For the command Automatic correction of the CNT_empty/full values:

Recalculation formula:

CNTmin2 = CNTmin1 + koef_empty*(|CNTmax1-CNT_T|)

CNTmax2 = CNT_T

If koef_empty = 0, then CNT_empty does not change (CNTmin2=CNTmin1)

If koef_empty = 1, then CNT_empty increases by the same ∆ as CNT_full

CNT_full (CNTmax2) is assigned the value of the current CNT_T level