Blocking and unblocking
There are two ways of blocking users in Omnicomm Online:
- Full blocking. Full blocking denies access to Omnicomm Online with the login details of the blocked user. Users with full blocking are highlighted in pink in the list of users.
- Blocking the report building period. Blocking the report period bans the ability of building reports for the period indicated when blocking. In the list, the users who have been banned from building reports for the period, are highlighted in beige.
In the Omnicomm Online window, in the “Administration” section, open the “Users” tab. Select from the list the user you wish to block from accessing Omnicomm Online and click the icon
In the window that opens, choose the type of blocking you want to set for the user.
To block the user completely, check the “Full blocking” box. Add a comment if necessary. Press the “Save” button.
To block the user for a report building period, check the “Blocking the report building period” box and click the “Add” button. Select the start and the end date of the blocking period. Press the “Save” button.
To unblock a report building period, choose from the list of blocked periods the one that needs to be deleted and click “Delete”. Press the “Save” button.
To block the user completely, check the “Full blocking” box. Press the “Save” button. After unblocking, all data will be available to the user, including the data from the period when the user was blocked.