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Various parameters

In the “Mileage” section:

In the “Calculation method” field, select the parameter on the basis of which Omnicomm Online will calculate a vehicle's mileage.

Mileage flag

Possible values:

“Relative counter <N>“. This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the mileage value between consecutive events in units other than meters.

Mileage counter flag

“Decimeter conversion factor”. Enter the factor by which to multiply the mileage obtained from the absolute meter to convert the mileage value to meters. In Omnicomm Online in the settings of the vehicle profile in the parameter “Mileage and speed calculation method” will be set to “Based on data from the terminal” (without excluding coordinate outliers)

“Mileage by CAN: SPN245”. This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the mileage value from the CAN-bus, SPN245 signal. In Omnicomm Online in the settings of the vehicle profile in the parameter “Mileage and speed calculation method” will be set to “Based on data from the terminal” (without excluding coordinate outliers)

“Total mileage CAN Hi-res (SPN917)”. This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the mileage value from the CAN-bus, SPN917 signal. In Omnicomm Online in the settings of the vehicle profile in the parameter “Mileage and speed calculation method” will be set to “Based on data from the terminal” (without excluding coordinate outliers)

“Relative mileage”. This calculation method is set if the terminal transmits the mileage value between consecutive events in meters. In Omnicomm Online in the settings of the vehicle profile in the parameter “Mileage and speed calculation method” will be set to “Based on data from the terminal” (without excluding coordinate outliers)

“Calculate in Omnicomm by GPS”. This calculation method is set by default. Mileage will be calculated in Omnicomm Online using GPS coordinates. In Omnicomm Online in the settings of a vehicle profile in the parameter “Mileage and speed calculation method” will be set to “Speed by GPS, mileage by GPS coordinates” (without excluding coordinate outliers)

In the “RPM” section:

In the “Calculation method” field, select the parameter, based on which Omnicomm Online will calculate the vehicle engine speed.

RPM flag

Possible values:

“Analog Input <N>”. This calculation method is set when the speed sensor is connected to the analog input of the terminal. Omnicomm Online will register the value of revolutions when the corresponding value is received from the terminal

“RPM conversion factor” enter the factor by which the received RPM value should be multiplied to convert the value to RPMs

RPM Analog flag

“Relative Counter <N>”. This calculation method is set if the terminal transmits the value of revolutions between consecutive events in units other than revolutions per minute.

“RPM conversion factor” enter the factor by which the received RPM value should be multiplied to convert the value to RPMs

RPM Counter flag

“Discrete input <N>”. This calculation method is set if the speed value is not calculated and the speed value is set when the discrete input of the terminal is switched on

“Ignition” flag. This calculation method is set if the RPM value is not calculated and the RPM value is set when the ignition switch-on event is received from the terminal.

“MODBUS <N>”. This calculation method is set in case the terminal transmits the engine speed value via MODBUS protocol

“RPM meter” This calculation method is set in case the terminal transmits the engine speed value based on vehicle speed sensor readings

“CAN parameter: SPN190”. This calculation method is set if the terminal transmits the engine speed value from the CAN-bus, SPN190 signal.

“OBDII: Engine RPM”. This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the RPM value via OBD bus.

“Always 1,000 rpm”. This calculation method is set in case the revolutions control is not required and Omnicomm Online will register a constant value of revolutions – 1,000.

“Always 0”. This calculation method is set in case the revolutions control is not required and Omnicomm Online will register a constant value of revolutions - 0

In the “iButton Identifier” and “iButton2 Identifier” sections:

In the “Calculation method” field, select the calculation method depending on the type of connected optional equipment:

iButton flag

Possible options:

iButton ID - to send iButton key ID in Omnicomm Online

Invert - Check the box to invert the iButton ID value

In the section “Speed by sensor”:

Speed by sensor flag

In the “Calculation method” field, select the parameter on the basis of which Omnicomm Online will calculate the vehicle speed.

Possible values:

“Analog Input <N>”. This calculation method is set when the speed sensor is connected to the analog input of the terminal. Omnicomm Online will register the speed value when receiving the corresponding value from the terminal

|Speed by analog sensor flag

“Speed sensor” This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the speed value based on vehicle speed sensor readings

“Parameter CAN”. This calculation method is set if the terminal transmits a mileage value from the CAN-bus.

“OBDII: Speed”. This calculation method is set when the terminal transmits the speed value via OBD bus.

In the “Power supply voltage” section:

In the “Calculation method” field, select the parameter on the basis of which Omnicomm Online will register the terminal supply voltage.

Power supply voltage flag

Possible values:

“Analog Input <N>”. This calculation method is set when the analog input of the terminal is connected to the on-board network. Omnicomm Online will register the supply voltage value when it receives the corresponding value from the terminal

Power supply voltage analog flag

“Reduction factor to 1 V”. Enter the factor by which to multiply the resulting supply voltage value to bring the value to the 1 V dimension

“Main power supply”. This calculation method is set when the terminal is connected to the on-board network of a vehicle. Omnicomm Online will only register the value of the main power supply voltage. If necessary, enter an adjustment factor

“Always 0”. This calculation method is set in case the on-board voltage control is not required and Omnicomm Online will register a constant value of supply voltage - 0