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Replacement of the Vehicle Terminal

Omnicomm Online provides the possibility to replace the terminal on the vehicle.

The following rules must be observed when replacing the terminal:

1. Omnicomm terminal can be replaced only with a terminal manufactured by Omnicomm company

2. The third-party terminal can be replaced with a new third-party terminal or with an Omnicomm terminal

3. The new terminal should not be registered in Omnicomm Online

4. Replacement of some terminals using the inter-server communication protocol is not implemented. If the terminal cannot be replaced, a corresponding message will be displayed.

5. Not implemented replacement of the vehicle terminals with additional tank

Log in to Omnicomm Online under your dealer account. Open the “Vehicles” tab in the “Administration” section of the Omnicomm Online window.

Select a vehicle and click the “Terminal replacement” button.

A window with additional information will open, click the “OK” button. A window will open:

Terminal replacement

“Factory number of the terminal to be replaced” displays the factory number of the terminal to be replaced.

“Factory number of the new terminal” - Enter the factory number of the terminal to be installed on the vehicle. For example, 20216000008.

“End date of operation of the terminal being replaced on a vehicle” - Enter the date and time from which the data from the terminal being replaced will not be processed in Omnicomm Online.

“New terminal type” - Select the type of terminal to be replaced.

“Start date of operation of the new terminal on a vehicle” - Enter the date and time from which data from the new terminal will be transmitted to Omnicomm Online.

If you set the start date earlier than the current date, the terminal data will only be automatically downloaded for the last three days. Contact the Technical Service Department to download all data from a specified date.